
The Big Idea

A glimpse into the jungle as experienced through the eyes of a child – sharing a piece of goodness happening in the world, while fundraising for community initiatives and youth-oriented outreach.

The What

Each week, we share a short, candid video showing our very unorthodox life in the jungle of Costa Rica  – all from the perspective of a 9 year old boy and 12 year old girl. 

Our Q & A program opens the possibility for the elderly to respond to real questions from real kids, sharing their wisdom with the next generations.

The charitable projects we support are focused on the environment, sustainability, and opening new possibilities for our youth.


Follow what we're up to!

intentional entertainment


Our vision


open a child's perspective


share wisdom from the elderly


fund community projects


make your grandma smile

making music make change



Follow what we're up to!


The team

Samuel Persons


Sam is the kind of person who would move into the jungle with two kids under the age of six, start planting fruit trees like a maverick, and end up living with seven cats… wait, yes… that did happen.

He has an insatiable love for his kids, Jesus and checklists. Most days you can find him creating something on the farm, practicing hymns in Portuguese, or reviewing his checklists.

Adele Persons

Show Host

Adele will never miss an opportunity to eavesdrop, and has an uncanny ability to negotiate.  

If she had things her way, the farm would have a lot more pets but her dad says 9 is enough (for now). Her favorite things to do are singing, baking & playing with her brother. 

Jude Persons

The Comic

Jude… well, look at the photo. That’s Jude. He’s a SpongeBob enthusiast, gets along very well with dirt, and is currently saving up for a hydraulic press just for the sake of crushing things.

His heart is as tender as that flower, and a whole lot bigger. 

Arturo Ara

Free the Food & Recycling Center

Arturo envisions a world with clean rivers, abundant food, and…. houses built with trash. Wait,  we don’t let him hear us say that word… we meant recycling

He spends his days creating a culture of service within our community, building practical ways to support each other and planting seeds (literally) for generations to come.


Technical Production

All the way from France, Ben has managed to keep his face off the internet his entire life… so you get to see these good looking legs – which is appropriate, because Ben really is the legs of the operation. Taking care of everything tech, we wouldn’t get very far without him. 

Ben’s the kind of guy who’d miss his own wedding to help you change a flat – always ready to help, he has a tremendous heart, loves playing the guitar, and has a very handsome face which unfortunately you cannot see.


Contact us

Have a questions, or want to collaborate? We’d love to talk!